Oil & Gas Refinery

Oil And Gas Refinery

Our mission in the past 18 years of experience is to ensure the energy of natural resources serves the interests of mankind, and to efficiently and responsibly develop the unique hydrocarbon fields entrusted to us by providing Company growth, the well-being of its employees, and the community at large.

Provides High Services Solution Worldwide

TOO ALATAY GAS refinery produces petroleum products with high-quality performance and environmental characteristics.
TOO ALATAY GAS carries out prospecting, exploration and production of hydrocarbons, the company’s production units are fitted with advanced equipment and technologies, the full range of necessary work independently.
TOO ALATAY GAS is the most trusted fuel company in Kazakhstan, with a refining capacity of more than 27 million m³ of crude oil every year. We refine and sell petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, heating oil, renewable fuels and many others to companies and consumers in Kazakhstan and abroad.
We are specialized in producing high-quality petroleum products for a variety of industries. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest technology and staffed by a team of experienced professionals. We take pride in our commitment to safety, environmental responsibility, and efficiency.



TOO ALATAY GAS is one of the Republic’s must reliable oil refineries, is the biggest facility in northeastern Kazakhstan for the manufacture of oil products and oil refinery services. The refinery mainly concentrates on the oil raw materials from the Almaty and Astana oil fields, which it started processing in 2023. The business can handle 6.0 million tons of crude oil annually.


Our business model is based on the board of director development strategy for a consistent year-on-year growth, while maintaining its position in terms of commercial viability. The energy we provide enables human progress daily, while we combat carbon emissions and reduce our environmental footprints.

Oil Production

TOO ALATAY GAS oil and gas condensate production increased 250fold since the company’s launch.

TOO ALATAY GAS carries out prospecting, exploration and production of hydrocarbons, the company’s production units are fitted with advanced equipment and technologies, the full range of necessary work independently..Our aviation fuel gives high performance to piston-engine aircraft and thereby significantly improving safety and ensures comfort with every flight. 

Industrial Occupational Safety

The oil refinery operation is regulated by the highest standards of industrial, fire and occupational safety. That is why our company has developed a package of measures aimed to prevention and isolation of contingency situations and mitigation the consequences thereof; the implementation of these measures reduces the risks both for the personnel of TOO ALATAY GAS and the community.


Environmental Policy
TOO ALATAY GAS oil and gas condensate production increased 250-fold since the company’s launch, The environmental management system operating at TOO ALATAY GAS is one of the elements of the corporate management system; it sets out the uniform environmental management procedure in compliance with the effective laws and regulations and relevant practice.

Insight of our Company

TOO ALATAY GAS is involved in exploring oil and gas fields, producing, Tank Storage, processing, and transporting oil, gas, and gas condensate, marketing petroleum and petrochemical products in domestic and international markets, and supplying natural gas to industry.

We give a complete value chain of oil and gas processing & Exploration.
Quality control of petroleum lubricants services in accordance with request.
TOO ALATAY GAS and the Government of the Kazakhstan Region have determined the parameters of cooperation.